Autumn dress

The summer holidays are slowly coming to an end, and that means only one thing - it's high time to swap airy outfits for thicker models that will effectively protect you from the increasingly cold air, rain or wind. But bad weather doesn't mean you have to give up on looking trendy! A perfect example of this are the stylish autumn dresses by Mosquito, which you will find in the range of our online shop. Our collection of autumn dresses is designed especially for the rainy season and impresses with plenty of original cuts and colours, so that you can forget about boredom and monotony in your styling.
The summer holidays are slowly coming to an end, and that means only one thing -...
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As a Polish brand, we guarantee the high quality of the creations on offer, careful workmanship and the durability of the materials, thanks to which the autumn dress you order will serve you for many years. Discover what models in standard sizes we have prepared for our customers for this season and choose a creation that will keep you warm in a beautiful, fashionable style. Enjoy your shopping! Dresses that emphasise femininity are not just for the summer season, but for the whole year.

Dresses for autumn 2024

Autumn is approaching, which means a seasonal change of wardrobe - we hide the airy summer dresses and sun hats, and look for warmer clothes that will effectively protect us from the cold and rain. However, the colder season doesn't mean we have to shackle ourselves to out-of-shape jumpers and lose our chic and elegance until next summer! Autumn dresses are stunning in cuts, colours and textures. Trends for autumn 2024, presented on the world's catwalks, include: warm browns and strong reds, silhouettes with wide sleeves and shoulders, fine checks and, above all, soft, cosy velours and velvets. However, you don't have to buy a designer creation to have the most fashionable dress this autumn. The cuts offered in the Mosquito shop, created in collaboration with Alicja Komar, are a choice that will satisfy even the most demanding and on-trend fashion lovers. The cobalt dress with draping and frills emphasises the shoulders, while the strong colour catches the eye. Velour dresses in black and red catch the eye not only with their texture, but also with their wide sleeves gathered at the wrists. A dress for autumn doesn't just have to be monochrome - the honey floral model brings the summer floral pattern into autumn's warm colours.

Why choose autumn dresses by Mosquito

Dresses for autumn by Mosquito are not only clothes in line with the latest fashion news. They are also the highest quality products, sewn from fabrics which are pleasant to the touch, fit perfectly on the figure and are resistant to damage - you will wear Mosquito dresses more than once. Our clothes are designed in accordance with the latest trends, but at the same time with care to make them as timeless as possible - thanks to this and their durability, you will be able to wear your autumn dress from Mosquito for more than one season. In our shop, you'll find dresses in a variety of styles - whether they're for everyday wear or more discerning, elegant creations for special occasions. Whatever type of dress for autumn you are looking for, we guarantee that it has been carefully designed and sewn to not only look great, but also to keep you warm on colder days and protect you from wind, rain and other inclement weather. Last - but not least - a reason to trust Mosquito: our clothes are designed and sewn in Poland. By choosing a dress for autumn in the Mosquito shop, you are supporting local producers.

What to look out for when choosing a dress for yourself?

The various models of autumn dresses encourage you to experiment and buy different cuts. However, if you have to decide on one, it is worth doing so thoughtfully. Firstly, the dress should match the rest of your accessories and figure. Secondly, if you also want to wear it under a coat, you need to take into account that a dress sleeve that is too voluminous may create a problem when tucking into the narrow sleeve of an outer garment. In this case, it is better to choose dress styles with narrow sleeves. The autumn dresses offered by the Mosquito brand will satisfy the taste of every woman who wants to look fashionable and elegant. Pleasant-to-touch fabrics and original cuts, as well as colour schemes tailored to women's tastes, make it possible to create the autumn outfit of your dreams. Indulge yourself in a bit of fun and take advantage of the designs popularly worn by celebrities, and you will feel like one of them.

Stylish and warm autumn dresses that Polish celebrities have come to love

At Mosquito, we make sure that the quality of the available autumn dresses meets the expectations of every woman, even the most demanding. That is why we sew them from carefully selected materials that not only fit perfectly, but also provide thermal comfort - warmth and protection from the wind is just one of the many advantages of fabrics used to create creations available in our online shop. In addition, they are durable and soft and easy to clean. We have also not forgotten about the original and fashionable look of each autumn dress available in the collection. In order to ensure its uniqueness and compliance with current trends, we have started cooperation with Alicja Komar, who is responsible for the unique and stylish cuts of the creations signed with our brand's logo. What is more, our designs are eagerly worn by the biggest popular celebrities - you can be inspired by their styling with Mosquito autumn dresses in the lead role and create an equally fashionable look.

Which autumn dress to choose?

With the variety of cuts and colours of fashionable autumn dresses, don't know which one will be the right choice for the rainy season? We've prepared some tips for you so you can easily find the perfect model for the coming months. Great colours are tones of gold, brown, yellow and orange - these are what fall leaves are covered in. However, the most popular autumn colours are not all you can afford this season. Autumn dresses can also delight with the addition of original patterns, such as flowers or animal prints, which will add a touch of craziness to grey days and make sure you don't go unnoticed when you leave the house. The perfect length is the midi, or knee-length, or maxi - the flowy cuts go beautifully with boots and mid-calf boots. Prefer the classics? Opt for black, burgundy or navy blue dresses, which will never go out of fashion.

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